
We want to save your life!

Have a Bug Out Location?

Have a large (5 - 50 or more) number of "members" joining you?

Need a way to organize your "Members" into a team that works together?

Need a way to provide them with the group structure you, and they, will need to not only survive but thrive when SHTF?

Then you need the BOL Manual!  This manual will provide the structure your team will need to have to keep you safe, strong and flourishing without losing out to conflicts over roles, tasks or outside dangers.



I have obtained one of the manuals offered for sale on this web site.  It has been such a blessing in improving the organization of our group. 

It has hordes of information that probably most preppers and survivalist would not even think of until the problem presented itself. 

Everyone in our group adopted this manual as our governing document and we made only a few slight modifications to better fit our specific needs. 

The price we paid for this manual is very reasonable and we greatly appreciate all the hard work that went into its development.  
E.F., Florida