Below are the Headings for the various sections contained in the Manual. There are 82 Pages.
- INTRODUCTION- The purpose of the Manual
GROUP SIZE CONSIDERATIONS - the “BOL” can only provide for the support of a certain number of people
ORGANIZING DOCUMENTS - Generally accepted Organizational Documents
BOL ORGANIZATION- Outlines the structure of the BOL Organization
CONSTITUTION- Describes the Constitution of the BOL
VISION (to be ratified)- Describes the Vision of the BOL
MISSION (to be ratified)- Describes the Mission of the BOL
OATH/PLEDGE (To be ratified)- Decribes the Pledge of the Members to the support of the BOL Organization
GOALS (to be developed)- Decribes the Goals of the BOL
CODE OF CONDUCT- Decribes the Code of Conduct to be adhered to by the Members of the BOL
PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES (To be developed)- Decribes the Processes/Procedures of all the Tasks of the BOL
- RULES (Examples) - Decribes the BOL Rules
- PROCEDURES FOR RULES INFRACTION RESOLUTION - Decribes the BOL Rules Infraction Resolution Processes
- BOL DECISION MAKING ORGANIZATION - Graphic of BOL Leadership Organization
- BOL ORGANIZATION - General note on the Organization Design premise
Duties of the BOL COMMANDER - Details the Commander's Roles & Responsibilities
- BOL EXECUTIVE OFFICER - The BOL Executive Officer
Duties of the BOL EXECUTIVE OFFICER - Details the XO's Roles & Responsibilities
- BOL SECURITY OFFICER - The BOL Security Officer
Duties of the BOL SECURITY OFFICER - Details the Security Officer's Roles & Responsibilities
- BOL MEDICAL OFFICER - The BOL Medical Officer
Duties of the BOL MEDICAL OFFICER - Details the Medical Officer's Roles & Responsibilities
- BOL FACILITIES OFFICER - The BOL Facilities Officer
Duties of the BOL FACILITIES OFFICER - Details the Facility Officer's Roles & Responsibilities
- BOL COMMUNICATION OFFICER - The BOL Communications Officer
Duties of the BOL FACILITIES OFFICER - Details the Communications Officer's Roles & Responsibilities
- BOL LOGITICS OFFICER - The BOL Logistics Officer
Duties of the BOL LOGISTICS OFFICER - Details the Logistics Officer's Roles & Responsibilities
Executive Committee- Details the Executive Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Administration Committee- Details the Administrative Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Security Committee- Details the Security Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Intelligence Committee- Details the Intelligence Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Communications Committee- Details the Communications Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Sanitation Committee- Details the Sanitation Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Water Resources Committee- Details the Water Resources Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Food Resources Committee- Details the Food Resources Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Energy Committee- Details the Energy Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Lodging Committee- Details the Lodging Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Supplies/Equipment Committee - Details the Supplies/Equipment Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Transportation Committee- Details the Transportation Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
Construction Committee- Details the Construction Committee's Roles & Responsibilities
- PLANS- Details all BOL Plans to be developed and approved
BOL ACTIVATION PLAN- Details the BOL Activation Plan
COMMUNICATIONS PLAN- Details the Communications Plan
SAMPLE COMMO PLAN- Provides a sample Communication Plan
BOL RESOURCES PLAN- Details the Need to inventory all BOL resources
SECURITY PLAN- A Plan to ensure that the security of the BOL and individual Members is maintained at a high level
BOL Security- Introduction to BOL Security
Security Team (Example)- Provides an example Security Team make-up
- MEDICAL PLAN- Details the BOL Medical Plan
EXISTING HEALTH PROBLEMS- Details the method to deal with existing health issues of members
TRIAGE- Details the method to be used to Triage Member's health issues
QUARANTINE/ISOLATION AREA- Details the methods to be used to provide a quarantine process and location
- GROUP CONTINUITY PLAN- Details the BOL Leadership Continuity Plan
- GENERAL CONTINUITY PLAN- Details the BOL General Continuity Plan
- MOBILE EVACUATION PLAN- Details the BOL Emergency Evacuation Plan
- ENTERTAINMENT PLAN- Details the BOL Member's Entertainment Plan
Reading Material- Details how BOL Reading Material will be managed
Visual Material- Details how BOL Visual Material will be managed
Games- Details how BOL Games will be managed
Member initiated Programs- Details how Member initiated Training and Entertainment will be encouraged
- S.O.P DEVELOPMENT- Details the need for member input to provide additional Manual survival topics
- ENCLOSURE #1 - MEMBERS- Provides a Table to list all BOL Members by Name, Committee Assignment and Skills
- ENCLOSURE #2 – WORK SCHEDULES (Preliminary)- Provides a Table showing BOL activity schedules for all work assignments
- ENCLOSURE #3 - SECURITY GUIDELINES- Provides an extensive discussion on BOL Security, including Rules of Engagement
- ENCLOSURE #4 - BOL DAILY ROUTINE- Provides a Table of the suggested Daily and Worship Day Routines
- ENCLOSURE #5 - SUPPLEMENTAL RESOURCE ACQUISITION PLAN- A discussion of resource acquisition in a SHTF situation
- ENCLOSURE #6 - DEFINITIONS- A Table of definitions of SHTF related terms
- ENCLOSURE #7 - THINGS TO THINK ABOUT- Provides an extensive discussion of what is needed to survive a SHTF situation